A Church for West Kensington
We are a Church of England church with a heart for community, a love for people and a love for God. We are a diverse church in the heart of West Kensington with a passion to bring hope to our neighbourhood.
Our Values
Centred on Jesus
A community seeking to follow Jesus, to worship him and become more like him. We do this by encouraging a Rule of Life. We believe that God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Compassionate Community
As a church, we are seeking to be a compassionate community, playing our part to see the welfare of our community, spending ourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfying the needs of the oppressed.
Celebrate the Local
We are blessed to exist within a parish - a neighbourhood - a community to love and to serve. We want to bless everyone who lives, works, studies, and spends time here. We love West Ken, we’re so glad to be here.